How to Potty Train a Teacup Yorkie: A Complete Guide

If you have a Teacup Yorkie, you know how adorable and lovable they are. But you also know how challenging it can be to potty train them. Teacup Yorkies are tiny dogs with tiny bladders, and they need to go potty more often than larger breeds. They also have a strong personality and can be stubborn or easily distracted.

But don’t worry, potty training your Teacup Yorkie is not impossible. With some preparation, patience and consistency, you can teach your furry friend to go potty in the right place and avoid accidents in the house. In this guide, we will show you how to potty train your Teacup Yorkie in easy steps.

Step 1: Get the Right Supplies

Before you start potty training your Teacup Yorkie, you need to get some supplies that will make the process easier and more effective. Here are some things you will need:

– A crate: A crate is a safe and comfortable place for your Teacup Yorkie to sleep and rest. It also helps with potty training, as dogs don’t like to soil their sleeping area. You can use a crate to confine your Teacup Yorkie when you can’t supervise them or when you leave the house. Make sure the crate is big enough for your Teacup Yorkie to stand up, turn around and lie down, but not too big that they can use one corner as a potty spot.

– Puppy pads: Puppy pads are absorbent pads that you can place on the floor or in a tray for your Teacup Yorkie to use as a potty spot. They are useful if you live in an apartment or if you can’t take your Teacup Yorkie outside frequently. You can also use them as a backup option in case of bad weather or emergencies. However, puppy pads can also confuse your Teacup Yorkie and make them think that it’s okay to go potty inside the house, so use them with caution and only as a temporary solution.

– Cleaning supplies: Accidents will happen during potty training, so you need to have some cleaning supplies ready to deal with them. You will need paper towels or rags to soak up the urine or pick up the poop, and an enzymatic cleaner to spray on the affected area. Enzymatic cleaners are specially designed to break down the organic matter and eliminate the odor, which prevents your Teacup Yorkie from being attracted to the same spot again.

– Treats: Treats are essential for potty training, as they help you reward your Teacup Yorkie for going potty in the right place. You can use small pieces of kibble, cheese, chicken or any other food that your Teacup Yorkie loves. Make sure the treats are low in calories and high in protein, and don’t give too many of them to avoid overfeeding your Teacup Yorkie.

Step 2: Choose a Designated Potty train Area

The next step is to choose a designated potty area for your Teacup Yorkie. This can be either outside or inside, depending on your preference and situation. Here are some tips for choosing a potty area:

– Outside: If you want your Teacup Yorkie to go potty outside, you need to choose a spot that is safe, accessible and consistent. It can be in your backyard, on the sidewalk, in a park or anywhere else that is convenient for you and your Teacup Yorkie. The spot should be away from distractions, such as other dogs, people or traffic, and should have some grass or dirt for your Teacup Yorkie to sniff and mark. You should also make sure that the spot is clean and free of any hazards, such as chemicals, sharp objects or parasites.

– Inside: If you want your Teacup Yorkie to go potty inside, you need to choose a spot that is easy to clean, out of sight and consistent. It can be in a bathroom, laundry room, balcony or anywhere else that is suitable for you and your Teacup Yorkie. The spot should have some puppy pads or a tray for your Teacup Yorkie to use as a potty spot. You should also make sure that the spot is away from food, water or toys, as these can distract your Teacup Yorkie from going potty.

Step 3: Create a Schedule

Creating a schedule is one of the most important steps in potty training your Teacup Yorkie. A schedule helps you establish a routine for taking your Teacup Yorkie out to potty at regular intervals, which prevents accidents and teaches them bladder control. A schedule also helps you anticipate when your Teacup Yorkie needs to go potty, which makes it easier to reward them for going in the right place.

The frequency and timing of your potty breaks will depend on your Teacup Yorkie’s age, size and activity level. As a general rule, you should take your Teacup Yorkie out to potty:

– As soon as they wake up in the morning and before they go to bed at night
– After every meal and drink
– After every nap and play session
– Every 1 to 2 hours during the day

You can adjust the schedule as you observe your Teacup Yorkie’s behavior and habits. You can also use a timer or an app to remind you of the potty breaks. The key is to be consistent and stick to the schedule as much as possible.

Step 4: Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is the best way to teach your Teacup Yorkie to go potty in the right place. Positive reinforcement means rewarding your Teacup Yorkie for doing something you want them to do, which makes them more likely to repeat it in the future. In this case, you want to reward your Teacup Yorkie for going potty in the designated potty area.

To use positive reinforcement, you need to follow these steps:

– Take your Teacup Yorkie to the potty area on a leash and harness. This prevents them from wandering off or getting distracted by other things.

– Use a command word, such as “go potty”, “do your business” or “hurry up”, to cue your Teacup Yorkie to go potty. Say the command word in a calm and clear voice, and repeat it until your Teacup Yorkie goes potty.

– As soon as your Teacup Yorkie goes potty, praise them enthusiastically and give them a treat. You can also use a clicker to mark the desired behavior, which helps your Teacup Yorkie associate the sound with the reward. Make sure you reward your Teacup Yorkie within seconds of going potty, so they know what they are being rewarded for.

– After rewarding your Teacup Yorkie, take them back inside or let them play for a while. Don’t keep them outside for too long after going potty, as this can confuse them and make them think that going outside is the reward, not going potty.

Step 5: Supervise Them Closely Inside

When you are inside with your Teacup Yorkie, you need to supervise them closely to prevent accidents and catch them in the act if they happen. Supervising your Teacup Yorkie means keeping an eye on them at all times and looking for signs that they need to go potty, such as sniffing, circling, whining or scratching at the door.

If you see any of these signs, take your Teacup Yorkie to the potty area immediately and follow the steps of positive reinforcement. If you can’t supervise your Teacup Yorkie for some reason, such as when you are busy, sleeping or away from home, you need to confine them in their crate or in a small room with some puppy pads. This will prevent them from having accidents in other areas of the house and keep them safe.

Step 6: Dealing with Accidents

Accidents are inevitable during potty training, so don’t get frustrated or angry with your Teacup Yorkie if they happen. Instead, follow these steps to deal with accidents:

– If you catch your Teacup Yorkie in the act of going potty in the wrong place, interrupt them by making a loud noise, such as clapping your hands or saying “no”. Don’t yell at them or hit them, as this can scare them and make them afraid of you or of going potty.

– Quickly take your Teacup Yorkie to the potty area and encourage them to finish there. If they do, reward them with praise and treats. If they don’t, don’t punish them or force them to go.

– Clean up the accident spot thoroughly using paper towels or rags and an enzymatic cleaner. This will remove any traces of urine or feces and eliminate any odors that might attract your Teacup Yorkie back to the same spot.

Step 7: Overcoming Training Challenges

Potty training a Teacup Yorkie can be challenging for various reasons. Here are some common challenges that you might face and how to overcome them:

– Your Teacup Yorkie refuses to go potty outside: This can happen if your Teacup Yorkie is used to going potty inside on puppy pads or if they are afraid of going outside due to bad weather, noise or other factors. To overcome this challenge, you need to gradually transition your Teacup Yorkie from going potty inside to outside. You can do this by moving the puppy pads closer to the door leading outside and gradually placing them outdoors. You can also use positive reinforcement to reward your Teacup Yorkie for going potty outside and create a positive association with the outdoor potty area.

– Your Teacup Yorkie has accidents when left alone: If your Teacup Yorkie has accidents when left alone, it could be due to separation anxiety or lack of bladder control. To address this, make sure your Teacup Yorkie has recently gone potty before being left alone. Additionally, gradually increase the time your Teacup Yorkie spends alone, starting with short intervals and gradually extending them. Use the crate as a safe space, as dogs are less likely to soil their sleeping area.

– Your Teacup Yorkie doesn’t signal when they need to go: Some dogs may not exhibit clear signals when they need to go potty. To overcome this challenge, establish a consistent schedule for potty breaks and take your Teacup Yorkie out at regular intervals. Watch for subtle signs like restlessness, sniffing, circling, or changes in behavior. Use positive reinforcement when your Teacup Yorkie goes potty outside to reinforce the behavior.

– Your Teacup Yorkie goes potty inside after coming back from outside: If your Teacup Yorkie goes potty inside shortly after coming back from outside, it may be due to distraction or not fully emptying their bladder. Ensure that your Teacup Yorkie has enough time to finish going potty outside. Use a command word consistently to reinforce the association between the command and the act of going potty.

– Your Teacup Yorkie is not making progress: If you find that your Teacup Yorkie is not making progress in potty training, reassess your approach. Ensure that you are being consistent with the schedule, positive reinforcement, and supervision. If necessary, consult with a professional dog trainer or veterinarian for personalized advice.

Remember that potty training takes time, and each dog learns at their own pace. Stay patient, be consistent, and celebrate successes along the way. Positive reinforcement and a supportive environment will help your Teacup Yorkie become a well-trained and happy companion.